Mango Ice Cream Recipe

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Mango Ice Cream Recipe
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Enjoy the delicious taste of handmade mango ice cream! This creamy delicacy, bursting with the rich flavor of ripe mangoes, is ideal for cooling off on a hot day. This refreshing dessert can be made quickly with simple ingredients and techniques. Whether served alone or paired with fresh fruit, this mango ice cream recipe is sure to be a delight to friends and family. Enjoy a scoop of tropical delight with each bite!

Ingredients to make icecream 

Mango Ice Cream Recipe

Ripe mangoes: Take 2 cups of fresh, juicy mangoes to provide the basic flavour and natural sweetness to the ice cream. For the finest flavour, select aromatic and tender mangoes. 

Heavy cream 1 cup enhances the ice cream’s richness and creaminess. It adds to the silky texture and helps to create a rich mouthfeel.

Whole milk, ½ cup, gives richness to the ice cream without overpowering the mango flavour. It also aids in achieving the desired uniformity.

Granulated sugar ½ cup sweetens the ice cream and balances the mango’s bitterness. Adjust the sugar amount to suit the mangoes’ sweetness and your preferences.

Vanilla extract: Add 1 teaspoon. It improves the overall flavour profile of the ice cream, providing depth and richness. It enhances the mangoes’ sweetness without dominating them.

Lemon juice 1 teaspoon It gives a dash of acidity to the mangoes, brightening their flavour and keeping them from getting overly sweet. It also helps to keep the ice cream’s bright colour intact.

Salt: A pinch of salt helps to bring out the flavours and balance the sweetness of the ice cream. It improves the overall flavour without making the ice cream salty.

Optional ingredients include ½ to ¾ cup of condensed milk (for increased sweetness and creaminess), 1 cup of coconut milk (for a tropical touch), and ½ cup of Greek yoghurt (for added tang and probiotics) 

Combining these ingredients, you can make a delightful mango ice cream with a combination of sweetness, creaminess, and flavor depth. Adjust the quantities to your taste preferences to make a personalized homemade dessert

Time spent preparing and serving

  • Preparation time: 10–15 minutes
  • 4 servings

Nutritional facts

  • Calories 150-200
  • Carbohydrate 15-25g
  • Fat 8-12g
  • Protein 2-4g
  • Sugar 12-18g

Homemade vs store-bought ice cream

Mango Ice Cream Recipe

Homemade mango ice cream

Made with real mangoes, homemade ice cream has original flavor and aroma of ripe fruit.

You have control over the ingredients, allowing you to change the sweetness and texture to your liking.

Use natural sweeteners and organic products to reduce additives and preservatives.

Making your ice cream brings a sense of accomplishment and creativity to the process.

Try different alternatives, such as dairy-free or vegan to satisfy dietary constraints

Store-bought ice cream 

It is easily accessible in supermarkets, saving time and effort.

It offers a diverse selection of flavors and brands to choose from.

The product ensures a consistent taste and texture with each purchase.

The product is available all year, regardless of seasonal fruit availability.

They are available in convenient sizes and are suited for individual servings or sharing.

Best mango varieties for icecream

Mango Ice Cream Recipe

Ripe and delicious mangoes are perfect for making mango dishes. Alphonso, Ataulfo (also known as honey or Champagne mangoes), Kent, and Tommy Atkins are popular recipe ingredients. People prize these mango varietals for their sweetness, brilliant color, and texture, which makes them ideal for desserts such as mango ice cream, smoothies, and mango salsa. Finally, for the finest flavor and texture in your dishes, use ripe, fragrant mangoes that have a slight give when gently pressed.

Health benefits of mango ice cream 

Mango ice cream contains vitamins A and C, which boost immune function and promote healthy skin and vision.

Health benefits of mango ice cream 

Mangoes include antioxidants such as beta-carotene and flavonoids, which help protect cells from oxidation and inflammation.

Mangoes include dietary fibre, which helps digestion and promotes gut health.

Mangoes’ natural sugars provide a fast energy boost, making mango ice cream a refreshing treat for active people.

Mangoes include vitamin K, which is crucial for bone health and may lower the incidence of osteoporosis.

How to make mango ice cream

Yes, here’s a step-by-step guide for creating mango ice cream. 

Step 1: Prepare the mangoes.

Peel and dice the ripe mangoes until no seeds or fibrous bits remain. This dish requires around 2 cups of chopped mangoes.

Step 2: Blend the mangos

In a blender or food processor, purée the chopped mangoes until smooth and creamy. To improve the flavor and keep it from browning, add a splash of lemon juice.

Step 3: Prepare the ice Cream Base

Whisk together the mango puree, heavy cream, whole milk, granulated sugar, vanilla extract, and a pinch of salt. Continue whisking until you completely dissolve the sugar and thoroughly mix the ingredients.

Step 4: Chill the mixture

Cover the bowl with plastic wrap or a cover, and chill the mango mixture for at least 4 hours, ideally overnight. Chilling the mixture helps to develop the flavors and ensures a smoother texture when churned.

Step 5: Churn Ice Cream

After the mango mixture has properly chilled, add it to an ice cream machine and churn according to the manufacturer’s directions. This normally takes 20–25 minutes, or until the ice cream has a soft, creamy texture.

Step 6: Freeze the ice cream

Transfer the churned mango ice cream to a freezer-safe container, and smooth the top with a spatula. To avoid the formation of ice crystals, cover the container tightly with a lid or plastic wrap. 

Step 7: Let it set

Place the container of mango ice cream in the freezer and let it set for at least 6-10 hours, or until firm. This will allow the ice cream to fully freeze and develop its flavor. 

Step 8: Serve and Enjoy

Spoon the fully frozen mango ice cream into bowls or cones, and serve immediately. Garnish with fresh mango slices or mint leaves for an extra touch of freshness. Enjoy the creamy, tropical goodness of homemade mango ice cream!

Common mistakes to avoid

Here are the frequent mistakes to avoid when preparing mango ice cream.

Unripe mangoes can cause a loss of sweetness and flavor in ice cream. Make sure your mangoes are ripe and aromatic before using them.

Overmixing the ice cream recipe can cause a gritty texture. Mix until just blended, resulting in a smooth consistency.

Not chilling the mango puree and dairy ingredients may result in a longer freezing time and the production of ice crystals.

Adding too much liquid, such as water or juice, might cause the texture to become frosty rather than creamy. Stick to the recommended ingredient proportions.

The ice cream mixture was frozen too soon. Allow the mixture to freeze slowly for a creamier consistency.

Variation suggestions

For a tropical twist, add coconut milk or shredded coconut to the ice cream base, which adds richness and depth of flavor.

mango ice cream 

Before freezing, layer mango puree or pieces throughout the ice cream base to create a swirl effect, which improves visuals and taste.

Use warm spices like cinnamon, cardamom, or ginger to add subtle richness and depth to the mango flavor profile.

For a dairy-free, refreshing treat, combine frozen mango chunks with water and sugar to make a smooth and tangy sorbet ideal for hot summer days.

Add chunks of cheesecake or swirls of cream cheese to the mango ice cream base for a delicious and creamy treat reminiscent of a classic mango cheesecake

Vegan mango ice cream

Coconut Milk Base: For a creamy, dairy-free option, replace heavy cream and milk with coconut milk, which adds richness and texture to the vegan mango ice cream.

Cashew Cream: Combine soaked cashews with water to make a smooth and creamy basis for the ice cream, which has a delicate nutty flavor that complements the mango’s sweetness.

Banana Mango Nice Cream: To make a naturally sweet and creamy vegan ice cream that is also low in fat, combine frozen bananas and mango chunks.

Almond Milk Variation: Almond milk is a lighter alternative to coconut milk that provides a creamy texture without the strong coconut flavor.

Avocado Mango Ice Cream: For a creamy and nutrient-dense dessert alternative, fold ripe avocados into the ice cream base, providing healthy fats and a smooth texture to the vegan mango ice cream.

Serving suggestions

Mango Ice Cream Recipe

Fresh Fruit Toppings: For a colorful and delicious treat, serve mango ice cream with sliced strawberries, kiwi, or pineapple.

Nuts: Sprinkle chopped nuts, granola, or toasted coconut flakes over the mango ice cream for a delightful crunch.

Drizzles and Sauces: To provide a decadent finish, drizzle caramel sauce, chocolate syrup, or passion fruit coulis over the mango ice cream.

Waffle: Serve mango ice cream in crispy waffle cones or bowls for a fun and portable dessert option with added sweetness.

Tropical Parfaits: For an elegant and tropical-inspired dessert parfait, layer mango ice cream in glasses with crushed Graham crackers, chopped mangoes, and whipped coconut cream.

Adding a restaurant twist

Adding a restaurant-inspired twist to mango ice cream might enhance the dessert experience.

Signature Toppings: Customize mango ice cream orders with gourmet toppings such as caramelized mango pieces, candied ginger, or coconut brittle.

Exotic Flavors: For a fascinating and adventurous eating experience, try exotic flavor infusions like mango-chili-lime or mango-cardamom.

Presentation: Serve mango ice cream on uniquely designed dessert plates or elegant platters decorated with edible flowers for a visually appealing presentation.

Chef’s exclusive creations: Introduce seasonal specials or chef-inspired dishes that combine mango ice cream with complimentary flavors such as passion fruit coulis or basil-infused syrup.

Fusion Desserts: Combine mango ice cream with other dessert ingredients, such as mango sticky rice parfaits or mango ice cream sandwiches, for a tasty treat.

The shelf life of a mango icecream recipe

Handmade mango ice cream can be kept in the freezer for up to 2–3 months without losing flavor. To avoid freezer burn and preserve freshness, store it in an airtight container. However, if the ice cream acquires an unpleasant odor or excessive ice crystals form, it may suggest freezer burn or degradation and should be removed. Always look for symptoms of deterioration before eating.

Related Recipes:


Can I use canned mango pulp instead of fresh mangos?

Yes, canned mango pulp is a practical alternative to fresh mangos. Just be careful to adjust the sugar quantity proportionately because canned pulp may already have extra sugar.

Without an ice cream maker, can you make mango ice cream?

Absolutely! While an ice cream maker produces the creamiest results, you may still create mango ice cream by hand. Simply whisk the mixture every 30 minutes while freezing to break up the ice crystals and create a smoother texture.

How ripe should mangoes be to achieve the optimum flavor?

Choose ripe mangoes that are slightly soft under pressure and have a pleasant scent. Your ice cream will be sweeter and more flavorful as the mangoes ripen.

How long would homemade mango ice cream last in the freezer?

Homemade mango ice cream can usually be frozen for 2–3 months without losing much quality. Keep it in an airtight container to avoid freezer burn and keep it fresh.


Making mango ice cream at home is a delicious way to enjoy the refreshing flavor of ripe mangos in a creamy and luxurious treat. Whether you choose a traditional recipe or experiment with vegan or exotic taste variations, the process is straightforward and satisfying. You can make mango ice cream as it is exactly what you want by using fresh, high-quality ingredients and tweaking the sweetness to your liking. Whether served as a stand-alone delicacy or as part of elaborate desserts, handmade mango ice cream is a crowd-pleaser and a cool summer favorite for any occasion.

Mango Ice Cream Recipe

Course: DessertCuisine: South Asian, Trophical


Prep time


Cooking time




Total Time



Mango ice cream is a creamy, tropical treat that captures the luscious flavor of ripe mangoes. Perfect for a refreshing dessert on a hot day, this ice cream combines the sweetness and richness of mangoes with the smooth texture of homemade ice cream.


  • 2 large ripe mangoes, peeled and diced

  • 1 cup heavy cream

  • 1 cup whole milk

  • 3/4 cup sugar

  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

  • A pinch of salt


  • In a blender, puree the diced mangoes until smooth.
  • Pass the puree through a fine mesh sieve to remove any fibrous bits.
  • In a mixing bowl, combine the mango puree, heavy cream, whole milk, sugar, lemon juice, and a pinch of salt.
  • Whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Cover the mixture and refrigerate for at least 2 hours, or until thoroughly chilled.
  • Pour the chilled mixture into an ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This typically takes about 20-25 minutes.
  • Transfer the churned ice cream into an airtight container.
  • Freeze for at least 4-6 hours, or until firm.
  • Scoop the mango ice cream into bowls or cones and enjoy!

Recipe Video


  • Avoid Overripe Mangoes: While ripe mangoes are essential for flavor, avoid using overripe mangoes as they can alter the texture and make the ice cream too mushy.
    Chill Thoroughly: Ensure the mixture is thoroughly chilled before churning to achieve the best texture.
    Storage: Store the ice cream in an airtight container to prevent ice crystals from forming.

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Meet Elena, Our Culinary Enthusiast

Elena is the driving force behind With a lifelong love for food and a passion for sharing her culinary creations with others, she's dedicated to bringing you the very best in home cooking. Drawing inspiration from her multicultural background and her travels around the globe, Elena's recipes are infused with flavour, creativity, and a whole lot of love.

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